Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Need some advice from a girl. long-distance relationship help?

ive been with this girl but now im having prolems..its a long story so i need to IM with someone on yahoo or something. reeeallllly need some advice from someone willing to listenNeed some advice from a girl. long-distance relationship help?
you can im me if you like its cjnygurl1987

I'm in a long distance relationship... and I need advice?

So long story short, I've been doing a long distance relationship for about a year and four months. The only reason we haven't had the opportunity to be together is because he's in Canada, and I'm in the U.S, so immigration plays a role. I'm having a super hard time with being happy as things go on, and the more our love grows, but I'm not able to be near him. We see each other every few months. He's growing more and more frustrated with me as things go on and I feel more and more depressed, and sad. I think he should be willing to go through the ups and downs with me, but he's thinking that pulling the plug will be better! I'm not understanding how a heart break will be better for me? I don't get it, but he says if it's hard for me now ( 1 yr and 4 months) then, the months to come will be EVEN harder on me, and not necessarily knowing when he'll be able to come down here, or I'll go there is tough. Have you ever been in a long distance relationship? Have you ever been through a gut wrenching heart break? I need to know I'm not the only one going through this. It's tough, and I feel like I need support where ever I can get it. Please share your story with me... I would love to hear it, and the advise you have

:(I'm in a long distance relationship... and I need advice?
First and foremost, how old are you two? I would think the problem could be easily resolved if you or him moved and lived together. I've been in a long distance relationship for the passed 3 years (he is in the military), and yes, things have been very difficult for us two, but we manage.

The frustration and depression you feel when you aren't together is heartbreaking if you don't have something to look forward to. Is there any chance you two will live together some day? Why does he want to end the relationship? If he loves you as much as you claim he does, shouldn't he try to reunite with you as soon as possible, rather than weighing the odds of being in a long distance relationship? All you can do is love and hope when you are in this kind of relationship..

I wish you the best of luck.I'm in a long distance relationship... and I need advice?
The problem with a long distance relationship is that at some point, one of you needs to be willing to close the distance and move. If you are both as unhappy with the situation as you sound, this is something you need to talk about. Immigration does play a role, and this would be a major desicion, but honestly, its the only way to make this work.
if i understood you right than i think that maybe he doesn't want this relationship anymore and starts to have doubts about that

I wish it was not true, but guys use to blame it on girls when they search for a reason for a break up...

i hope its not true...
i have been in a LRD the last 2 yrs yea its heart but as i can understand u love him and he doesnt as much as u instead of hurting urself break it off ldr's are difficult and not for all the ppl
Write him a letter telling him how much you enjoyed your time together, but alas , it will never be again and to get on with his life.
you just need to keep telling each other you love them because you cant show it youneed to hear that comfort
well me i tired a long relation ship if y'all really love each other it should work
Long distance relationships don't me.
Long distance relationships never work. From a personal experience to some my friends have gone through it.

He is right, it won't get easier, it will get harder. And yes, almost everyone has gone through a gut wrenching break-up/heart break. No one can tell you exactly how to get through it only that you CAN get through it. Considering what I know, I would end it as soon as possible. If there's no way to be together, than let it go. Let yourself move on to meet someone you can be with.
I know how you feel at least your on the same continent and wont need to learn another language.

Long distance relationships has its highs and lows. What a understatement, I don't have to tell you.

Only thing to do is keep positive about both of your goals knowing one day the two of you will be together.

You keep saying immigration problems, there is a easy way in. Wish you would have explained how there not helping.

But if both of you know your the person they wish to grow old with and be your husband and he wants you as his wife one day. Why not ask him to marry you and finish your education there ?

Goodbyes are always hard even when you know you'll see the person you love in a weeks time.
First of all, dont let people tell you that long distance relationships NEVER work. They're VERY difficult (you obviously know that) But they can work, as long as you find a way to move near each other.

My fiance and I met through a friend who moved from minnesota here to california. We started talking a lot ,and realized we were crazy about each other. That was almost a year ago, and we've been going back and forth as much as possible to see each other, we text literally ALL day, we find routines to balance work,school,and our phone conversation time, basically just do everything in our power to make it work. Sending little letters and gifts helps.

Once I'm done with my associates degree at the end of this school year, I'm moving out to MN with him and we're going to start our life together. Like I said, it is VERY hard and we've had to work through our problems being thousands of miles away from each other, but to''s completely worth it.

However, like I said..this is a lot easier than your situation because we know exactly how much time until we get to be together, and if your situation doesn't change (as in, neither of you move).. I'm sorry, but the chances of it surviving aren't very good especially if he's already thinking of breaking up. Again, it is not impossible..but you can't force him to stay either.

Its tough, I know. My fiance and I just said goodbye about a week ago, and wont be able to see each other again until January, but that will be our last time of having to say goodbye. The next time, I'll be moving there and we can leave the painful long distance behind.

Stay strong, and do what you can to keep it together if you feel it's worth it. You have to make sure he feels the same though, otherwise you're in for a heart break :(

Good luck, and remember..don't let anyone tell you it CAN'T work.
I was once in a long distance relationship. I'm bisexual by the way. We were talking and one day and she said she liked someone and she didn't know how to tell them and I got jealous (at this time neither of us knew we liked each other) and she said, ';I don't understand why you are mad at me! YOU'RE the one I like!';

From that day on we were in a relationship. She was supposed to come to my state that Christmas but things didn't exactly work out. I don't think I was in love enough to have a long distance relationship. To be in one, you have to be committed and I just wasn't. I still have a crush on her and I still feel I made a mistake by letting her go.

My advice is, if you really love him, and he really loves you, go for it. There will be lonely nights that you wish you could be with him, and you just can't. Just keep your head high, and look at the glass half full.
I'm in a long-distance relatiotnship atm too (2 years). He moved to live in Vancouver during his gap year and i was studying in the UK sill, that was about 8 months ago, saw each other for a week a month ago and now i'm in the US studying and he's gone back to the UK lol. Before he went though, he broke up with me. He didn't think long-distance relationships worked etc and thought it would be better to see other people whilst we were apart. We agreed to just keep it casual and remain for friends than lovers and just go with the flow. We ended up staying together.

I was completely heart broken for 2 weeks though, he broke up with me a month before he was due to leave, and than we met and got back together, he left 6 mnoths later and broke it up again (yep it's confusin lol). I was constantly crying etc though each time. At first i thought ';well if he loved me he would try harder to make it work';, i soon realised that he was right, long-distance relationships are soo difficult, it doesn't matter on age or even how in love you are. The whole point about relationships is that you grow together and experience life together, and that's not happening. Love isn't enough unfortunatley. Even now, i'm finding it just so difficult. The only thing that's geting me through is knowin that in 4 months, i'll be returning home to live for good. If it wasn't for that, i don't think either of us could do it, no matter how much we love each other. That's my biggest advise, to always know when you'll be seeing each other again, no matter how far in advance it has to be. But you know, having my heart broken has made me soo much stronger and i would never take it back. And i've learnt that there are sooo many other men in the world, he's not as great as your making him out to be right now i promise, they'll be others, greater!
If its meant to be, and u guys really love eachother, a long distance relationship will work!! It is hard in the begining but it will become easier.......I have been in a long distance relationship for the past 5 years, and we are crazy about eachother. There are different ways to keep it alive online, like webcam dates, audio, cybersex......etc...If you r both willing to be patient, and believe that your love is stronger than the distance, it will work! Good luck!
The only way to have a healthy normal relationship is for it to move forward - to see other regularly and share everday experiences. As you are so far apart, this is impossible. You both have a life in your own countries and yet, you are expected to act like boyfriend/girlfriend. It just won't work unless one of you are ready to move country and set up home together - that's a big step and therein lies the problem with distance relationships - it doesn't have a chance to develop over time. It will be harder in the short term but you need to move on with your own life - your boyfriend has as much said that is what he wants to do. Of course it will hurt but you can't really miss him that much if you don't see him often.
spare yourself from the pain

long distance relationships NEVER WORK.

Advice on how to make a long distance relationship work?

My boyfriend (I'm 21, he's 25) and I are 5 hours apart and try to get together as much as possible, each of us has our work that holds us back sometimes. I know I love him and I know he loves me, eventually when we can be in the same city we will probably be getting married. Just was curious as to some suggestions about how to make the distance not such a factor and how to help make this relationship not so hard. Thanks in advance for the answers.

~I know there are people out there who don't think that a LDR works, please refrain from answering this, it's probably going to be a negative answer anyways. I'm sure I'll still get some negative answers though.~Advice on how to make a long distance relationship work?
I myself have a long distance relationship. I'm in Canada and hes in Georgia, USA. People say these tpyes of relationships can't work out because of such the long distance, but I tell you they're wrong. We talk every night on the phone and use our webcams to see eachother as much as possible. We get to see eachother in person every other month or so for up to 3 weeks at a time. Just being able to talk to him and see him on cam helps so much when we cant be together in person. I don't know what else to tell you as far as to make it easier. I know how hard it can be, but really, thats all the advice I can give you. Hope it helps!Advice on how to make a long distance relationship work?
Total honesty. Write letters as well as talk on the phone. Sometimes it is more comforting to hear a voice instead of reading an e-mail or text message.
find one near you ...
just stay persistant and positive,,5 hours is not that bad

at least hes not 12 hours away or a country away..

send him christmas cookies in the mail,,keep telling him u love him,,get together as often as u can,,5 hour drive to his place every sat not a prob
Look ldrs like you said are hard. They can work only if you both decide to make it work. You both must avoid temptations at all costs. If you can arrange maybe to see each other on the weekends this would make things a little easier. You both can email each other daily, call each other and make sure you do develop a plan to try your best to see each other at least one time a week. This is imperative. If you both can do this, you have a chance for a long term relationship. ( LDRS are the main reason that affect individuals who enlist in the branches of service) They are so hard and then mother tempations raises her ugly head, and then the next thing you know one of parties is straying and seeing someone else. If you both can erase that void a little and staying in contact daily these should help you immensely. But if you go a long period of time without communication or seeing each other, then that is where your problems start to come into play.
long distance relationships don't work
Its too tough to be in LDRs, I'm not sure if I want to do it myself but, its NOT IMPOSSIBLE... I think communication is the key, on the phone, everyday and maybe send gifts and little surprises along the way. I think if possible you guys should visit each other every two weeks or once a month. Snail mail is also an option cause at least everytime he/she misses you or, ahem, I hope not, feels a temptation getting in, they can read your letter and be strong.
Make sure you both keep in contact with each other on a daily basis.I mean, talk about everything that ocurred during the day with yourselves to ensure that you truly know this person before investing too much time in a relationship that ends up in the ditch.Talk about the different challenges and people you encounter and assist each other in making decisions...Make sure you guys aren't just falling in love over the phone because that happens so often, then after meeting with the person you can't stand to be around him for a long period of time.
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  • I'm SOO Confused..I Need Some Advice, Should I end Long-Distance Relationship?

    My boyfriend and I are originally from the same city, we have been friends for 10 years now. About 2 years ago, he moved out of town (8 1/2 hours away). We have been dating now for almost 1 1/2 year. We've even talked about marriage. No proposal though..

    Anyway, because of our distance I have been having a few issues/insecurities b/c my bf is a very 'friendly'' person, ie. somewhat of a flirt (unintentionally, i think). He has many female friends and I've known this forever.

    However, I have always asked him to communicate with me about his relationships w/ other girls, new friends, etc. Recently, I went to visit him while he was out of town for work. It was a surprise for his 25th bday. While there, I started looking through his phone at pictures (with permission) %26amp; saw a pic of some girls butt, turns out it was a pic that his male friend sent to him (he's a pig). Anyway, the pic made me curious to see what else he had been doing recently so I started to check his call log %26amp; txt msgsI'm SOO Confused..I Need Some Advice, Should I end Long-Distance Relationship?
    If you think I am reading that whole thing you are crazy.

    I have a long distance relationship and I need some advice.?

    My boyfriend calls me every night which is really nice, however, he likes to talk to me on the phone for a long time. Again, I think he would like it if I was just ';there';, but I'm not. However, usually when we talk, he is preoccupied either watching tv etc. Sometimes he talks to his roomate and dosn't even ask me to hold on a second. I sometimes need to talk to my teens, but I always ask him to hold on for a minute. He just got a new computer so I told him the other night to have fun with it so we didn't talk. Last night he called me and the entire time he was going back and forth between tv and computer. I told him if he wanted to talk to me to do that without distraction for a short time, and then go play with his stuff after we got off the phone. He didn't seem to think that was needed and I got upset and told him I felt hurt that he didn't want to take my feelings into consideration. He told me he thinks I do it to him which I don't. I tell him to hold or I will call back. Help?I have a long distance relationship and I need some advice.?
    wow i'm not trying to be mean but i dont know who you can do it i see my b/f like 3 times out of the week He calls me every day befor he gos to work %26amp; When he gets off and i still wanna see him more %26amp; If He Truely Care's He Will Make Time For You Man Its Gotta Be Hard For You I Really Wish you the best Of LuckI have a long distance relationship and I need some advice.?
    I had that problem before too. Needless to say the relationship did not work out for me. I didn't like the fact that the little time we did spend talk to each other on the phone involved him shopping at the supermarket or watching TV.

    I think you did the right thing by telling him how you felt. If he chose to get upset over it then maybe it was in the way you worded it to him. Most people would understand however those who take offence to it are pretty defensive over little detail.

    No one can guarantee if a long distant/regular relationshop will work out. Life works in mysterious ways. Remember that life is short, don't get angry over the little things, try to make things work out.
    wow.he sounds pretty inconsiderate.tell him that when you call it is ';your'; time.that you are trying to spend what little time you can talking to him and would appreciate his total attention.a woman should get more attention than a dam tv.
    Have you ever read the book ';He's Just Not that Into You';?

    I am not evaluating for you that in your case, your bf is not 'into you', BUT there are some GREAT tips in there, that have helped me through bf problems.

    Any one been in a long distance relationship out there?? i need advice!!?

    i am currently in a long distance relationship with someone i met over the net. we have never seen each other but a month ago he said he loved me. but i have only called him once and he has NEVER called me. he says he'll be coming to my country in the summer, but every now and then he changes his mind and says ';something came up'; and that he's sorry and then he says he'll be coming, and then that he won't after all....etc, etc... it just keeps going and going... what should i make of this? is he really into me? or does he just want to have someone to f**k for when he's in the country? he's reaaaaally cute and owns a lotta cars (at least, that;s what he SAYS...) and so i'm guessing he ain't single right now (when he's supposed to be involved with ME). what should i do? anyone got advice i can use? PLEASE, people!! i need advice!!!

    ---thanxAny one been in a long distance relationship out there?? i need advice!!?
    it is the wrong choice to involve with someone over the net. especially someone you have never seen face to face before. leave him alone, he is clearly no good and is playing games with your heart. if he really loves you, (which i don't know why he would say a think like that seeing that you met a month ago) he would not treat you the way he is is kind and he is not kind to you, therefore he does not love you.Any one been in a long distance relationship out there?? i need advice!!?
    you need to leave this guy alone he's not into you
    If you havent seen him in person ever, that means hes just not that into you. Love knows no barriers, and hes holding on to one.
    This guy is bullshit !!
    im currently in one but its nothing like yours! we see each other about 4 times a year but we call each other every night and talk for hours and hours. i think you've gotten yourself into a mess...leave him! NOW!
    It sounds exciting, in that other country, lots to offer, kind of way.. only the unanswered questions seem to plague you. Your concerns could be...How do I stop loving this guy, but they seem to round off more around, what do I do without this exciting new cool in my life? While that can be a tough order to serve, its not quite as tough as feeling so emotionally loved that the world blooms and the sky explodes with campy happy. Ask yourself, if when he talks to you, he's really talking to you...If he's really rich, he may be talking to your abilities or what/how you can get him something. Bring something to the table for him. Natural at first, but not for someone who claims the L word. check your sources on him as well, why, do you think love is in new growth here? Because you don't sound convinced of his side of the story...why? Why do you need convincing? What other motives do you bring to the table..

    If he wants you for sex, and then for personality, and then, for you? who are you? And would him wanting you to fill his emptiness, be a comfort, or another person needing something for themselves. What do you think you need? What do you want? My biggest suggestion is, relax on the serious and turn up the curious.
    I think you must trust your self an dont let this boy lie you dont believ in evrithing yes hi whont f' 'k
    Im in a long distance relationship. If he is telling you what he has and you are using that to decide weather or not to f*** him thats insane. Love is unconditional and you should be aware men are pigs. Hes holding you out there to see if he can find anyone better then he'll choose. Whatch it girl is the best advice I can give.

    What is your advice on a Lesbian Long distance relationship?

    I met this girl a year ago or so, and well we hit it off, when we first started talking she was completely against us ever having a long distance relationship, and I was okay with that.

    She lives in Ohio, and is in college there. I live in California and am attending college here. She asked me to be her gf 3 months ago and I said yes, now i'm just wondering if it's going to work. We never fight she tells me she loves me every day, we mail things to each other.. text all day.. My family knows about her, her family knows about me...

    SO I don't know, what do you guys think? Could it last?!

    p.s. She is 21 and i am 18What is your advice on a Lesbian Long distance relationship?
    just go for it, you'll never know until you try. Just because it's long distance, doesn't mean it won't work. You both just have to have good communication ad trust each other. Hope i helped...xWhat is your advice on a Lesbian Long distance relationship?
    Long distance relationships can only work with great communication and trust. I feel that it's not a good idea to have a long distance relationship unless you can see your partner at least once a month.
    awwe cute

    well it should work

    i mean my girlfriend lives in germany..and i met her through a friend

    so yeah it should work out..and i hope it does
    There is a SLIM chance it will work. You won't know till you try though.
    try it out.

    u never know it could work.(X

    try seeing her in person soon tho.
    go for it :) and meet in person as soon as u can
    My best friend is in a situation like that, except they used to live in the same town, and were later split up.

    She keeps insisting that sending gifts in the mail is one of the best things for them. They don't tell each other when/what they're sending, so it's a fun surprise they get every week or so. =D She's planning to go visit her girlfriend next month.

    They've been together for a year and a half now, with 10 months long distance.

    Edit: Also, they've kind of opened their relationship. They're realistic and they know that if one of them meets someone, they should get to date, but that hasn't actually happened yet. So far, neither has dated someone else. But they've already talked about the possibility, and you probably should, too.

    URGENT advice needed on possible long distance relationship?

    My fiancee and I are going to Graduate school in the fall for our PhD.

    The best schools we have gotten into for each of us separate are in LA and Boston, respectively. If we decide to do what's best for our careers and live a high-stress, high-pressure lifestyle, we would be going to those 2 places separately, doing long-distance indefinitely (5-6years).

    We also both got into the University of Michigan, which would be a lower stress option, more balanced lifestyle, and ability to live together and get married soon as previously planned. The only problem is that we would be giving up options that others would kill for.

    Should we give up the high-stress, fame-and-fortune path at the very prestigious schools so that we can have a lower-key, more peaceful and balanced life and the priceless experience of starting a new life together?URGENT advice needed on possible long distance relationship?
    I'm sure there are couples who have managed to balance a transcontinental relationship with the demands of grad school for years on end. I just doubt there are more than a few of them. And if you plan to use your PhDs to work in academia, this problem is not going to go away. The odds of you both finding ideal jobs in the same city, let alone at the same institution, are not high. At some point, sacrifice is going to have to enter the equation.

    It's up to the two of you to decide what you value more, but personally, I would either take the Michigan offer (if you're talking about the Ann Arbor campus, I have trouble thinking of a program where it'd be that much of a step down in terms of rigor anyway), or advise one of you to start at your dream school this year and then have the other apply to other local programs next year. True love may be able to survive any separation, but I can't help but feel that the scenario you're proposing would test it to its absolute limits.

    Advice for a possible long distance relationship??

    I am a sophomore in college and I was with a girl on and off in high school but we never dated. I recently got a chance to see her again over a break and the sparks were really flyin'. The only problem is we go to school about 4 hours away from eachother. I feel strongly about her but I'm not sure if I should be getting by hopes up because of the distance. Should I try to keep it going and just look forward to seeing her over breaks and the summer (from the same city) or should I just give up and not get my hopes up? Thanks a lot!Advice for a possible long distance relationship??
    When there is love, anything is possible. Give it a try, don't hold back,Advice for a possible long distance relationship??
    make time for each other
    The best relationship I ever had was a long distance one. You get to see the person long enough to still have fun but short enough not to get on each others nerves. Then you have the time apart to be yourself and to look forward to your time together. Good luck it can work.
    well i personally never liked longdistance relationships but i am in one and its more than a couple of hours i live in califonia and he lives in cardona MEXICO yea real far but love is blind so go for it she might be that speacil one for you
    Hey I would say go for it just make sure you like her for who she is than what she looks like.I have a girlfriend that lives eight hours away. Good luck and God bless
    Don't bother I had alot of hope my long distance relationship would work we were only an hour and a half away...Didn't work out. Lasted 4 months though. Guess everybody is different if you guys really care about each other and put the commitment and effort into it I guess it could. But it's really really hard. Good Luck though
    i say dont get your hopes up. most long distance relationships dont work out.

    but i mean tell her how you feel. and discuss whats best for you and her.
    long distance love seldom works. you cant worry about what she's doing and vice versa. if youre willing to not ask questions and let whatever happens happen you might be able to deal. otherwise dont get your hopes up.
    i think that you should try to make it work with her. you and her stay in the same city so you all can see each other every once in a while.
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  • Advice on an International Long Distance Relationship?

    A good friend of mine lives in Denmark . My sister and I decided to travel there. While there one of her friends and I had a strong attraction to one another. Ever since we have maintained a very close line of communication. We both have strong feelings for one another, but I have not verbally expressed them yet because I feel it would be better to in person. (I'm not sure if I'm correct in my thinking there.) I plan on flying back this summer and tell her what I think of her there.

    I have never met anyone like her before. I hate the idea of a long distance relationship but every girl I meet I end up writing off in comparison to the girl in Denmark. We relate on almost every subject and can and will talk for hours a day.

    I know I need to keep this line of communication up but I'm worried that we talk too much? Logically you have to run out of things to say although the time hasn't come.

    I'm just asking for advice on what I should do. I don't want to mess up this relationship.

    ThanksAdvice on an International Long Distance Relationship?
    You may need to contact a professional love expert at website like .

    Any advice from anyone that has had a successful long distance relationship?

    I have to move 1,000 miles away this summer for about 3 months. I love my boyfriend and we've been together 4 years. I've been really stressed and worried about this. I want to trust that everything will be o.k. but part of me still worries.

    Does anyone have any tips on how to help make this situation better?Any advice from anyone that has had a successful long distance relationship?
    communication is key. i had a long distance realtionship for 13 years and even got engaged. as long as you visit, and email or call and be open with each other you should be ok.

    good luck.Any advice from anyone that has had a successful long distance relationship?
    Me and my boyfriend live 2 hours apart. We've been in a relationship for roughly 1 and a half weeks. It's working out ok, I guess, I mean we text each other all the time and we are going on our first date on Thursday...I really hope it goes well.

    For long-distance relationships, communication is everything. Just trust and be trusted back. Good luck =]

    Ever been in a long distance relationship- if so have any advice?

    on how to deal with the distance? -think thats what your asking. My bf and I right now are states apart because of college. Between me and him I've told him he is worth the wait.. I mean, it means a lot. When your down and sad to know that you want to be with them over anyone else, that they make you the happiest and that you would wait to be with them because of how much you love each other. I mean both of us tell that to each other when were sad and it really helps to know they care about you that way.

    Another thing is, my bf and I have a journal, he actually got it and started it up and surprised me.. he had written in it when he missed me, it had about 8 pages of front and back written and he told me I could write in it now and we would switch again the next time we met. In it he had writting about when he first saw me and what he though and how he grew to love me more and more until he came down to ask, and then even went into how he felt when he was asking.. hehe I returned a entry just the same. I mean its a story from both sides of how we fell in love and its nice to know how much they love you and what they're thinking.

    Another thing is we traded sweat shirts, that we've had for a long time. I gave him my fav. one since 4th grade.. lol it was adult size. I mean, old ones so that it'll have your smell in it pretty good. he says he wears mine all the time. I sleep with his and just the smell of him helps me go to sleep. He also, by complete surprise asked me to watch over his stuff animal doliphin Ecco, he said it was the only stuff animal he had and when he was little it was the only thing he asked for one christmas. I happy sleep with his doliphin and shirt, really does help a lot.

    Lastly he sends me flowers, he has sent me flowers 3 different times now.. all by surprise and it never fails to make my whole week better. Makes me so happy I end up calling my mom and freaking out and loving him all over aim. Tho I've been thinking of returning the favor by writing him a love note, hand written by mail.

    Hope thats what your looking for, also in our journal we have a list of things to help the distance, at the top is 'your worth the wait'.Ever been in a long distance relationship- if so have any advice?
    Despite losing an eightmonth relationship due to distance and lack of communication, it CAN work, f you're coommitted. Remember, eit's so easy to lose touch@!Ever been in a long distance relationship- if so have any advice?
    didnt work:(

    but some people manage it if its not forever and there is lotttttsa of regular contact

    and you trusteaachother (you dont wantto beconstantly worrying about them cheating on you)
    Screw you guys. They work just fine. You just got to work at it you lazy bastards.
    Usually doesn't work. Don't bother
    mine didn't work well. he cheated. but your relationship can be different. good luck though. [;
    Give it up.
    I've been in one for 4 years now. He lives in Germany and i'm in the US. we met at 16 and now we are almost 21. We use webcams so that we can see eachother online. We write letters so that we get a surprise in the mail (and they are more personal). We send eachother small care packages of things we have collected for eachother. I once sent him a shirt that i knew he would like and that would look good on him, before i wrapped it i sprayed a bit of my body spray on it. He kept it with him for days not wanting to wear it because he siad the smell reminded him of me and he wanted it to last. He sent me an MP3 player with our fav. songs and then recording his voice on there and left me a message it was great. They are hard work but its worth it. It takes communcation, trust and honesty, if you two cana do that then you are off to a good start. My rule is that i act the way that i would if my bf was right there next to me. If there is something that i wouldnt' do while he was there with me then i know that i shouldnt' be doing it. He uses the same rule. We let eachother know when we are going out and trust eachother that nothing bad will happen. We don't make eacother isolate ourselves, he has his life there with his fam and friends and i have mine too, we let eachother into our lives and when we met up again we know everything that is going on. We dont' feel like we are holding eachother back and we love that we can be honest with eachother. In a LDR there is no room for doubt. If you get to visit eachother, i like to do things that will stay there and remind him of me. The last time i was at his place, every time he left his room i would grab a small post-it note and wrote a quick message and then hid them all over his room. Two weeks after i left he was still looking for more. When he came to visit he helped me re-decorate and paint my room, now when i lay down to sleep i look around and remember how much fun we had setting up my room. LDRs take a lot of creativity and patience. i hope that i was able to answer your question, let me know if you have anymore questions :)

    Long distance relationship question and need advice!!!?

    My son is 15 and has not met my boyfriend yet.My boyfriend wants him to come to Florida to take him to Universal Studios,seaworld etc. during his xmas break.My son said he doesn't want to go to meet as he calls him'; that guy';.What can he do to get him to come? He has plenty of money maybe send him an awesome xmas gift or is that a bribe?I do love this person.Please no harsh remarks as I am a kind and generous person too.Long distance relationship question and need advice!!!?
    I think a better solution would be to have them meet on your son's territory... it's a new situation to him and he probably is scared and nervous about it and would feel out of his element, so to speak. I would have your bf show that he's willing to make an effort to be in your sons life... have him come to him for the first meeting. An effort like that is going to mean more to your son in the long run than xmas gifts or universal studios, as kids these days care more about love and companionship than they do about being bought. Good luck!Long distance relationship question and need advice!!!?
    Explain to him that you really like him.....hopefully you are going too, right? Tell him that if he sees for himself what kind of a guy he is, that you will be in ';tune'; to hear his opinion of him....make him feel as if he ';does'; have some kind of a say....tell him you cannot listen to how he ';doesn't'; like him until he does actually meet him..........and I am a mother....dont feel as if it is a ';bribe'; if he sends him a Xmas's just a xmas gift! Good luck!
    Bribing is a Bad idear it needs the boyfriend to come to your son show him that he knows you come as a Package and wants the best for his Mum
    If your son doesn't want to go to meet him, then you should respect that decision.

    Especially for the first time they meet, your boyfriend should come and visit you and your son. It would be on his turf and probably more comfortable. Then if he doesn't like the guy, at least he'll be better able to avoid him for the time he's around.

    If he does end up liking the guy, then he maybe he'd want to go visit him in Florida.
    Hmm,why doesnt your son like 'that guy?'

    If this is your 1st meeting with this would seem a bit forced and as tho he is trying to 'buy' your son ..which can cause resentment...

    Your son comes 1st..sit down and talk to him..listen to what he says with open ears and consideration....

    Im sure this is very difficult for you, being in the middle..

    Best wishes.
    an xmas gift might do. but i would find a common interest b/w your son and your b/f. if they can click' or connect over that common interest then the rest is easy!

    personally as a kid i remember one of my moms b/fs and he would coach soccer for me, he bought me a rifle and took me to shoot. he would rough house and play. come and jump on the trampoline. he would actually interact and have fun. he wasn't just some guy sleeping w/ my mom!! he was my friend.
    It doesn't seem reasonable you would SEND your son. If you are going and want to TAKE him along then you're his mother and he should go with you regardless of what he thinks.

    You may love this man but that is no reason your son will or has to do so. The man's relationship is with you. It is laudable that he wants to include your son but forcing it won't work. I notice that you left out any mention of your son's father or why you aren't with him. It seems likely that his reaction is partly in fear that you're trying to replace his father.

    Of course you also don't mention how long you've known this guy or how long it has been since your last relationship if it wasn't with your son's father. Some women seem to ';fall in love'; serially. If this guy is just the latest in a series then your son rightly suspects it isn't going to last and sees no reason to allow himself to develop an attachment.

    Don't confuse your relationship with your son with your relationship with this man. Just because you love both of them is no reason to believe they will love each other. At 15 your son's personality is mostly formed and your not going to browbeat him into liking the guy.
    Your son would learn to like ';that guy'; but in time. If you stress him now he will start hating him. Don't force your son to go anywhere. He will go when he will feel. Forcing something is not the way!
    It would be ackward for your son to come to your boyfriend he had not meet yet. Why not accompany and introduce your son personally to him. That would break the ice.
    You don't say if you will be going, make sure you are going too. I'd get separate for you and the son, one for the boyfriend...if they've never met definitely too soon for your son to see you sleeping together. Show your son the Universal website and tell him how much fun it will be, let him choose some things to do...maybe he could bring a friend along to keep him company. Don't be too affectionate to your boyfriend in front of your son either, let him ease into the situation. If you still can't change your son's mind...invite the boyfriend to your hometown (staying at a hotel) and slowly introduce them to each other. Have a talk with your son telling him how much this man means to don't say what happened to his dad, but explain how his dad fits into this whole situation too. Be honest and go slow. Good luck!
    i know i woudnt send my 15 yr old to visit him.. i dont blame your son for not wanting to go....unless of course your going too
    you cannot force your son into going to meet your boyfriend.

    It might be more appropriate if you all go out for dinner together locally. This is ';weird'; for a 15 yo and he;s not gonna want to leave his comfort zone. Have your boyfriend come to your city
    I think that you should just take him, the both of you go together...That way he will not feel so strangely...Unless I misunderstood the question.

    Anyone who is not his father will always be ';that guy';, until they have the chance to truly know oneanother.

    That is what I would do.

    It is never easy meeting someone who could possibly take the place as ';man of the family';, especially a teenaged boy with a caring mother.

    So just be easy and speak from your heart, you will know what to say. I send you congratulations on your relationship, and hope that your holiday season is the greatest ever~
    Why not respect your sons wishes?

    What are you not saying?

    Seriously, you are simply saying to your son that this boyfriend of yours is a good guy solely because he will give you (your son) lots of gifts.

    Whereas you son probably wants a real father, not a cash machine.
    Your son doesn't need a bribe.

    Your boyfriend needs to gain your son's respect. Instead of trying to get him to go to Seaworld etc (another bribe), get your boyfriend to come to you. He should stay in a hotel so that he is not in your son's space and gradually spend time with him.

    Making your son go to Florida is taking him out of his comfortable environment and putting him on the ';back foot'; straight away.

    If this man is worth it to you... and more importantly, you are worth it to him... HE will put the time and effort in to get to know your son.
    Well try to fill him in as much as possible of what there is to do. And if you can let him bring a friend? Or a close family member so he don't feel weird around him and what not so he will still have some one close to laugh with while he is there. Or if it is that bad just dont let him go

    Give me some advices how to keep long distance relationship last?

    Currently in long distance relationship, and its been 2 years and 4 months long-term kind of relationship. I just don't know how to work this relationship anymore. Sometimes, I get to the point where I ask myself is it worth it? I love my partner but its just the distance that makes me wanna give up. It's really hard for a teenage girl like me to deal with this king of relationship. Please help me, because i really wanna work it out with my him.Give me some advices how to keep long distance relationship last?
    I was in a long distance relationship for a long time, until we moved in together, but if you love him you will make it work, no matter what. Everytime you think you want to give up think of how your life would be without him. Wouldnt you rather be in a long distance relationship, than not have him there for you at all. Jus tthink about how much you'd miss him, and push through the hard times. good luck.Give me some advices how to keep long distance relationship last?
    The key to long-distance relationships is trust. As long as you have that settled, then you'll feel a little safer with your relationship. Also, seeing each other as often as possible in person is crucial. Set up a weekend date with him where you'll be able to see him ASAP! Then invite him over to your house on holidays, or try to go to him.

    Good luck!

    it is difficult but it can work depending on your partner's attitudes. if he is caring, loyal, honest and he efforts too much for the relationship, then don't give up.
    Long distance relationships never work out. Sorry.
    If it was ment to will must have trust and loyalty

    I need some advice on a long distance relationship...?

    so im 19 years old and i currently live in Illinois. i have been friends with this one guy for 4 years.. we had a little fling in high school but then i started dating someone else but that's over. anyways, we have been talking for a few months and the other day we both realized that we have a lot of feelings for each other. the only problem is that he is stationed in the army in Texas, and he's going to be there for 2 more years. I'm currently enrolled in college here in Illinois. i plan on graduating this spring. i have thought about moving down there, but then again I'm afraid to because i know that my parents would stronly disagree with that and if something didnt work out i dont want to regret any part of it. I'm so confused. I have a lot of feelings for him, but i dont know if i should move there or to TRY and wait the 2 years for him to come back home. Can someone help me please? This is important to me.I need some advice on a long distance relationship...?
    You probably don't want to hear it, but honestly, if your moving to Texas just for him, I wouldn't recommend it. It sounds like youve already thought about the possibility of it not working out and how you might end up unhappy there. As much as you want to be with him, moving there just for him is really not the best plan.

    My advice for you, think about what position/job/internship would be best for you after college and look for that. Find things that would truly help you on your way to eventually being able to get the job you want and apply to that. Since youre thinking about being in Texas, LOOK FOR JOBS PRIMARILY THERE! Or even other states close by!! That way, youd be moving to another area for a killer step up position and being in Texas near your friend would be a bonus!

    Youre young, not locked into a place now, when else will you have a chance to move whenever? As long as youre doing what YOU need to do to get your career on track, go for it, move new places if you can! Just do you, if its meant to be it'll work out b/c he wont want to be w/ anyone else.
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  • I really need advice for my long distance relationship.?

    Well at my sisters wedding on May 2nd i met this really great kid,

    he's my brother in law's cousin, i know that weird but its not marriage relation at all,

    by the end of that night, i suspected i loved him.

    right now im absolutely sure.

    hes about 1 and a half years older than me which isnt so bad, but he

    lives like an hour away and we're both underaged so we dont drive

    we started out texting a lot, and he told me he liked me and i revealed to him my feelings too.

    we started out great, he always called me beautiful and the greatest girl he's ever met,

    he was ';never in love like this';

    but after awhile he eased off a bit, he hasnt said your beautiful much lately,

    and he seems to like it when we sexy text or talk about sex

    but when we're just talking hes not very talkative.

    its worrying me

    i havnt seen hi since the wedding and my hearts totally acheing.

    what do i do? he always has baseball and can never set up a good time to meet up.

    and what about the not so talkitave problem?

    i can't figure out what to do . . .

    any advice? best answer will be chosen.I really need advice for my long distance relationship.?
    I don't trust this guy very much because he talks about sex too early and

    you guys haven't met recently right? So you better chat with him online

    to ask what happen to him and that you want to meet him right away

    where he has baseball or not.I really need advice for my long distance relationship.?
    Well first off that is how every guy is when they first meet a girl. But if u begin talkiing more about sexual things then that shows exactly where his head is at...sorry to put it that way but i know this from experience, and also the fact that you two do not see each other he doesnt really put you as his first priority. hope this helps
    To be honest, there is no love yet! You two just met! You are going through more of a crush than anything. Lust. He is not in love either. This will never surface. Weddings bring people together because they are kind of magical. The day ends, and then we are all back to reality.

    I say, go on with your life. Dream of him if you must, but focus more on

    your dream man. I doubt he's the one!
    Just ask him straight out if he really feels how he said he does, or if he's just interested in sex. I think just stating how you feel and just putting it all as it is is usually your best bet.
    it sounds like he liked you but now he's just wanting sex from you. but i dunno. try to talk to him about it.
    Long Distance Relationships are hard, trust me cause I've been in one for a year and a half now. Unfortunately, they really never tend to work out. He seems like he's bored with it. He's a guy and he wants to do things with girls. He also seems like he is interested in your conversations when its about sex, but not in other topics. That's a really bad sign. I would just make a clean break from him because you are both too young to be this committed to someone. It takes certain circumstances to make a LDR work. I just dnt think you guys have it. I'm sorry :( I hope you're okay with whatever outcome.

    Please give me advice about my long distance relationship?

    Hello, I am 16 years old and I have been in a long distance relationship for about three months. Everything has been going great until my dad found out! My dad doesn't want me to be in this relationship because the boy I am dating is not religious and my dad is against the whole idea. Fortunately I am only with my dad on the weekends and with my mom during the week days. What should I do? My boyfriend and I are very much in love and it would be devastating for our relationship to end.

    Thank you very much for your advise and taking the time to read my question =)Please give me advice about my long distance relationship?
    Since you live with your mom more, talk to her. Tell her what happened and how you feel that you aren't being giving a fair shake from dad about this strictly because your boyfriend is not religious. She if she can talk to dad, it's only been 3 months, maybe he'll warm up to it.

    Well I need advice on a long distance ';Relationship';.?

    Uhm..well I really like this guy,and he likes me too, the thing is he dated my twin sis before..hes a really sweet guy and its been 3 months since my sis and he dated..We tell eachother we love eachother, and I know its true..well..what I feel for him is.. I never meant to grow in love with him,we were just really tight friends weve never talked on the phone before although he wants to call me or me to call him {[{Ive actually blocked my number and called him and hung up on him before just to hear his voice..he sounds just like my ex its creepy,anyway..}]}sometimes when were talking on IM hell take bout 5 min to answer my last message and Im not the clingy type but I know its because hes either playin runescape which I think hes kinda obsessed with or chattin with someone else which I have no prob with, but it makes me feel kinda bad also I think that my sis is startin to like him again and she doesnt know bout us ';dating'; cause I know it would it hurt her where should I go from here?Well I need advice on a long distance ';Relationship';.?
    Try reading this free e-book called 97 steps to a happy relationship. I've read it (a while ago) and I still think about the advice given in it.Well I need advice on a long distance ';Relationship';.?
    Long distance relationships?

    Life's too short for them.

    I need some advice (boyfriend trouble + long distance relationship)?

    okay so im 17 and me and my boyfriend have been dating for some months now but we go to two different schools. he lives in markham but i live in dolton. he went to see his dad in wisconsin but he didnt tell me n i hav been callin and callin i know that he is back but he still hasnt called me, what should i do?????????I need some advice (boyfriend trouble + long distance relationship)?
    Well, I recommend to stop calling him. You say you have been calling and calling and you know he is home. He knows you are calling. I'm 100% sure his cell phone has caller id. Let him call you now. As much as it bothers you to NOT call him anymore, stick to it. Don't become obsessive to him. He will call when he is ready, and can then explain to you his reason for not calling you back sooner.I need some advice (boyfriend trouble + long distance relationship)?
    i agree that the best thing to do is not to keep calling him and don't leave him angry text messages or anything. you will seem desperate and needy. he will only get annoyed and that's going to drive him away further. i know that you're dying to know why he won't contact you, but you just have to wait until he's ready to say what's on his mind.
    long distance relationships can be very hard. dont put more effort in it than he is. you said you've been calling and calling and he's not returning the favor. quit calling, see what happens. you're still young, why not date people who are local.
    no body cares

    I need some advice about my long distance relationship with my boyfriend. Please somebody?

    I'm 17 years old, my boyfriend and I have been together for about 9 months now, but we don't live near each other and consequently see each other about once a month when we spend about a week together, we also talk nearly everyday on the phone. At the beginig of the relationship everything seemed perfect but recently we've been arguing alot about silly little things. I also find that he can be really jealous when I go out with my friends and he texts me to see where I am and what I'm doing. I know he loves me, and that he would do anything for me, but now I really don't know what to do. If i'm having second thoughts does that mean that we shouldn't be together? Also in September I'm going to uni next to him, so it won't be long distance for much longer. I do still love him but i'm so confused, i've talked to him about this but he begged me for another chance...please help me!I need some advice about my long distance relationship with my boyfriend. Please somebody?
    well the way i see it, why not give him another chance. long distance relationships can be very very hard to keep, seeing that you guys live so far away from one another, you each have to depend on each other's communication until you can both get the time to see each other, so it's obvious that you have to use the time that you do have on the phone very very valuable, so what i suggest is that you talk to him about his insecurities that he has, and the excess arguments that you both have and tell him that you really want the relationship to work but he needs to lay off the jealousy, and be able to trust you seeing that he would need too in order for the relationship to really work out, it's not like you guys can see each other whenever you want too, so he really have to trust you.Also try it until September, remind him that pretty soon you;ll be closer to him and you guys won't have so much pressure on the relationship b/c of the distance anymore.Reassure him that things can work out with a little effort on his part too.GL.I need some advice about my long distance relationship with my boyfriend. Please somebody?
    Jealousy is never a good sign. It implies that trust, a fundamental requirement for a healthy relationship, is missing.

    And begging for another chance is called manipulation.

    Surely there is someone for him when he gets a handle on his own emotions, and it might even be you, but it is time to experience more of life for both of you.
    if he is begging for another chance ,I take it you told him to take a hike. A relationship is based on trust------ the distance makes it interesting. if he lived next door and acted the same way---- what would change? if he cannot trust you or vice versa, distance does not matter. If you two care about each other you need to commit to whatever it takes to make YOUR relationship work. Notice the word YOUR, because it is yours and no one elses. hope this has helped. Best of luck to both of you.
    Don't choose a college based on a guy. If it is meant to be then it will be. But don't force it. It sounds like this relationship is really stressing you out. I know how you feel. My best friend and I are in love but he lives a thousand miles away so we decided to remain friends until we can actually be together. But do not allow your relationship with him determine your education.
    Long distance relationships can be very frustrating. Having 2nd thoughts is normal, wait until you see him before you make up your mind.
    Do anything for you? Then why doesn't he trust you? I hope u work it out but some jealous people never change so stay alert.
    stay with him and see what happens just wait confront him about his jealousy problems again later on
    You are both live far away...GET REAL!
    sorry but they never work
    Anna...silly man thing...I think we men are all a little afraid we are not the main focus....yes we are a silly lot at times....I am in a worse situation...My love is in the UK...I am much older than you both...but the same things sometimes apply....we have opposite probs...but the have to give him a chance....think about would it be in ten years...if you started to wonder...hmmmm...was he the one...Give it a will then have a clearer view of what to do...dump him,love him...would be your choice!...

    I have to smile....I am old enough to be your Grandfather....but remember those problems...some things get better as get older...some things don't....learn to deal with the things that don't...every thing else is just a plus...bye

    If you are uncomfortable now with the way he is treating you, and you are long distance, it will be a lot worse when you are closer together. It sounds like the guy has some insecurity issues. I would be very cautious with this relationship...what ever you do do not get pregnant. That will be a disaster. I would try to stay cool with the relationship, and if he gets more demanding and possessive, break it off. You may need some support after the break off...I can see him hassling you and wanting contact with you afterwards. If you do not want any contact make sure that you go through the right channels.
    Don't get too involved with this guy - it sounds like he has jealousy and control issues. That is not something you want to put up with long term. If he won't let you have the freedom to see your friends now, it will be worse when he is closer to you. You are young, don't commit to one guy too soon. Uni will change who you are and everything in your life will change. You should have the freedom to explore who you are and your new life without some guy wanting every minute of your time. Good luck.
    First of all, let me ease your mind by letting you know why all this is going on: HE'S FALLEN IN-LOVE WITH YOU!!! He's frustrated that he can't see you more often, that he can't express to you on a daily basis all that he feels. He just wants to be able to do the simple things like hold your hand, and stare into your eyes as often as possible.

    Try to be patient with him. If you really love him, let him know. There's an old saying: ';Out of sight, out of mind';, and another ';When the cat's away, the mice will play';. That means that if he's not with you, he can't trust you to be faithful. That's what he's afraid of, because he truly cares about being with you.

    My advice would be to write him love letters. These are tangible things he can pull out as often as he misses you. They will help you both deal with still being apart for now. It sounds too simple to work, but it really does.

    Good luck in college, and good luck with him.

    Any one ever been in a long distance relationship that worked? And what advice can you give?

    my parents were opn a long distance relationship for about 2 years when my dad was in the navy.

    they worked out, got married, had kids. they broke up 15 years later for a totally different reason though.

    all you can really do is have alot of trust, and just be faithful. it is hard, but it can work. =)Any one ever been in a long distance relationship that worked? And what advice can you give?
    I'm in a long distance relationship. We live 14 hours and 742 miles apart and we've only spent almost 3 weeks together in person out of our 10 month relationship. It's really hard and takes very special people to do it. You have to trust that person with everything you have and not give them a reason not to trust you. You have to have communication and can't keep secrets and you just have to be willing to wait. When you find a good thing, you're willing to wait for it. And people say that me and him have a better relationship than some people that live in the same house together. It's just a matter of how bad you want it and trusting the other person and yourself. I always said I wouldn't be in one...that was before I met him. Hope I helped%26lt;3Any one ever been in a long distance relationship that worked? And what advice can you give?
    i told someone i wouldn't be in long distance relationship, because, there's to much of a chance , someones going to end up cheating. her response, ';typical male.';
    That's hard.....because you don't know what that person is doing or what that person isn't doing. Some people do things that they wish that they didn't do.
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  • I need advice on my long distance relationship?

    My boyfriend and I have been dating for 6 years. We have had some rough patches and have broken up 2 times. He currently is half way across the country. While he was home he drank a lot of beer. I was always there for for him to make sure nothing horrible happened. Now that he is away I can not control the situation. I think he drinks too much and I don't know how to be okay about it. He loves me soooo much but will not drink a little less for me. I don't expect him to stop. I just want to be okay with it. I need some advice on how to cope with it. I don't want to leave him cause he is the most amazing man in the world but I need to stop stressing about his drinking. Please if you have any advice ........ lemme know.I need advice on my long distance relationship?
    I do have some advice, yet probably not too different from anyone else's - especially family / friends. 2 points.

    1. He's not going to stop, or slow down, the problematic drinking for you, or anyone else, unfortunately. Not even for the Pope, his mother or Jesus H. Christ himself. He is only going to do that for himself - if and when he is ready. Hopefully something inside him with motivate him. He may love you deeply, but that isn't enough.

    2. You aren't going to be ';okay with it';. You may find ways to cope and deal with it, but you will stress with it, as you most likely are now. However, you may in time simply ';accept'; all this; yet that would be a shame.

    3.Unfortunately, we usually can't control the actions of others - only our own.

    4. Good luckI need advice on my long distance relationship?
    he is an alcoholic. send him anonymous ';Alchoholics anonymous'; emails for his local chapter
    Instead of titling this advice on long distant relationships, you should have titled it how to deal with alcohalic loved ones. You should be prepared for when he moves back to where you are and he is an alcohalic...sorry but I don't have any advice but to keep in touch with him while he is away, talk about normal things and little things that are going on in your life that he might be interested in knowing....keeping that spark alive. Good luck.
    He is the one who has to deal with it and the possible results. If he won't stop drinking then no one else is to blame if something bad happens. He needs to learn to be responsible and maybe this is a good chance for him to learn something.

    I need an advice on my long distance relationship.... Please help!!!!?

    iam in a long distance relationship with a girl. she is working in an MNC in Delhi. We used to work together and that is where are relation started off. The problem now is that being far away from her, i miss her a lot. I like talking to her , but she says she cannot talk for long. Plus, she is very careless about about our relationship and i usually feel neglected or left out. I have tried alot to stay in the relationship, but its very frustrating to stay like this. I love her alot and dont want to loose her, but she says that she cant change herself, she is how she is,. please help.I need an advice on my long distance relationship.... Please help!!!!?
    Got to expain or inform her about all of your thoughts %26amp; feelings concerning her and the relationship, which you truely desire. If she wants to pursue it, then go for it, but is not then accept it and move on with your social life.

    I need advice about a long distance relationship.?

    Imagine, you meet a girl from another state, start talking on the phone and begin to form a close bond. You begin to talk every single night for hours. You like everything about this person. Next, you meet her. It's been 6 months, and when you meet, sparks fly so to speak. You stay in a hotel and have a little fun. You love this girl very much, so does she. Departing sucks, but the thought of meeting again keeps things strong. This goes on for another year,you've been to her town and she's been to yours quite a few times. Then, you go to different colleges, putting you even farther away than before. She starts to get pissed when you put school over her sometimes and start fighting even tho you have never fought much before. Things get worse. School becomes stressful, and you start drifting away. You don't talk for a while, then she calls you drunk telling you she found someone else and they already had sex! What should you do? You still love her very much.I need advice about a long distance relationship.?
    What you should do is move on. She was actually sending you some very obvious signs way before she let the hammer fall.I need advice about a long distance relationship.?
    You need to ask yourself where is your relationship going?

    Because (not to sound completely psychoanalytical or something), despite the fact that you have maintained a relationship, you are focusing on college from what it sounds like. I'm not suggesting to do anything completely radical, but there is going to be a point of no return in your relationship, and whatever decision you will make will determine whether or not you will stay together. I would highly suggest trying to make it work if you still love her, but if you're trying to make something work that might not have meant to be, then just let it go and be happy without a long distance relationship. It will be hard at first, but if you think about it, if she meant what she drunk dialed you about, than maybe it just wasn't something that was meant to be.
    go find a local girl and forget about her.
    well, id tell he to *beep* off personally... i don't think its working out if its gone to that extent, you could try calling her, talking to her to find out for sure but i think its probably over.. sorry man
    I'm sorry, but you really need to think about this one. How strong is a relationship that prompts someone to ';get pissed when you put school over her sometimes'; and then ';she calls you drunk telling you she found someone else and they already had sex!';

    She didn't obviously care that your education was important to you, and it was a TEMPORARY thing, where SHE could be PERMANENT. If she saw the big picture, and herself in it, she would have supported your goals. But she didn't.

    If she slept with someone else before calling it quits with you properly, she was probably looking around for a bit. He might not have been the first. I'm sorry to say that, but it's most likely true.

    If she's meant to be the one, she will be back and none of this will matter, but it SHOULD matter. Trust is hard to get back once it's broken. Only you know if you can trust her after this, and how strong your feelings are.

    I wish you the best of luck.
    Well, I'm in a LDR too, and we started only 350 miles away... and now we are 2,700 miles away. It's hard.

    But really, our relationship is built on communication and trust. School is REALLY tough for me right now too... but we never lost that communication thing [[we still talk on the phone for hours every night]], and that's what I think happened to you guys.

    But nonetheless, this is still CHEATING and it is evident that she wants to move on. I know this is painful, and I know it's hard to let go of the person you love.

    But really, a LDR cannot happen without lots and lots of trust. And obviously now, that is gone.

    This probably isn't what you want to hear, but it's what you need to hear. You need to break it off, and find someone [[local or not]] who will be empathetic to your school situation, who will communicate with you, and who will be faithful and honest to you unconditionally. Decide that you deserve better.
    You should wait til a time when the two of you can (or want to) share the same county. Then if the passion is still there on both sides go for it!
    Tell her bye! bye! bye! I also think that more communication would help...You should have calmly communicated with eachother about your disagreements/problems. Never leave the conversation angry or unresolved...;)
    That's why I don't like long distance relationships... it is very hard. You guys spend less time together and creates more stress. If I were you, I would just stay friends with her because if it is meant to happen, it will happen. Just let things flow my friend.
    Have you ever heard the saying, it is better to be alone and have pride and respect for yourself, then to be with someone not worthy of you? Well let me tell you this sweetie, as sad as this situation she really doesn't have the right priorities in mind. School is the most important aspect right now, girls come and go but what you must understand is that education and a good degree will get you far in life. She seems to me the person that wants to have fun, and lacks the ability to be responsible, if she could easily just get drunk and have sex, this is just the beginning after a year. Think of what she can do as the relationship develops and she realizes this is not what she wants. If i were you, I would be happy that you figured out what type of person she is NOW, before it got majorly serious. If I were you, I would just let her go, and keep your pride. If you really love her, you need to call her and ask her what she wants, when she is sober. If she apologizes and tries to make an effort with you, you could forgive her. However I think that she is the type of people who can't handle distance and who are looking for fun now, and don't think about tomorrow. She must really not be that attached to you, as sad as I am to say this. YOu can do much better, why do you want a girl that will treat you like this? Good luck hun!!
    Well my advice is that it's good you love her, but I think that you should get over her because that is a red flag saying that she doesn't have commitment to your relationship. She says she moved on and you should get back at her and get a rebound.


    You can do this, call her and talk to her and apologize even if u didn't do anything wrong. Girls like it when they are right.

    Tell her over and over that u love her and ur not over her.

    I'm sure she'll get back with you...............
    if she had the guts to go and cheat on you,that aint love bro.that jjust aint love.
    You shouldn't make yourself crazy obsessing over it. You guys had something very special, but it didn't work out, and I know it's sad, but it's part of life. I would say it's best to move on, focus on school, spend free time with friends, and try to meet some new girls. I know that's hard to do, but time helps everything. Don't wait for her to come to her senses, because unfortunately, the odds are, she won't. You guys might be able to be friends, but that might take some time, so just spend some time enjoying being young and in college.
    I would try to break it up with her at least for a little while. You both are in college. You need to go out there, figure out who you really are, concentrate on school and meet/ date other people to make sure you two are meant for each other. It sounds like she is frustrated with the situation and rather A. Really has moved on or B. was just trying to make you jealous. I would break it off for a while. It will give you both time to think if you do want to be together. If you guys are meant to be then it will happen. Good luck!
    move on and long distance relationship usually doesnt really work..
    well if she is the kind of person that goes off and gets drunk with other guys and if that is the kind of person u want to keep a relationship with then go for it but to me she doent seen like the kind of person you can trust where if she said she is working late she is not cheeting on you so if you like that kind of person go for it if she is the king of person u dont trust then dont talk to her

    Any advice for a long-distance relationship?

    My girlfriend and I are about to enter a five year period of long distance relationship. I'm going to college this year and she's leaving next year. Yes, we're very young, but we're also very much in love and we are going to work as hard as humanly possible (and harder if need be) to keep this going. We know it'll be hard, but we are very optimistic about it. We've agreed that if we get through these five years we'll spend maybe half a year together and then think about getting married. Does anybody have any tips or advice for us? Do you think our long-term plan is reasonable? Thanks a lot!Any advice for a long-distance relationship?
    It really depends on how long you two have been together now. before the two of you go your ways how long were you together in the same area? I believe that anything is possible and having a possitive attitude will make this easy . If you start doubting that it wont work then you guys will have many problems. Do you fully trust each other?? Trust is the main thing in an LDR. if you cant trust the other person to be faithful then your relationship might as well end now because it will drive you both crazy. If you have love for each other and can handle the ups and downs of a local relationship then an LDR will not harm it but make it stronger in the sense that this is the big test in weather or not it will last. Remember keep your head up and if issues pop up always stop to think first before reacting and it will work for the both of you. It takes two so make sure she is in it 100% as well as you. IF only one is working to keep it alive then it will fail as well. Write, call and if it is possible to visit each other for like holidays and such then do that as well. Best luck to you both :)Any advice for a long-distance relationship?
    advice: breakup or get married now
    I would suggested waiting longer for marriage. no need to rush, the commitment of just being together should be enough. also, when you guys leave for college a huge part of it is learning to fend for yourselves, so I also suggested you both having separate places for a while before each of you are self-sufficient. then maybe move in together if things are working out.

    A HUGE help for my longdistance relationship when it was longdistance is, if you guys have webcams it is really nice to be able to see eachother and it's also a speaker thing so it's pretty close to being in person. it helps.

    Need some advice with my long distance relationship.?

    I have a boyfriend in the Navy who has been gone for a month so far; he's signed on for 6 years. We've been together for a year and a half and I knew from the beginning that he'd be leaving. For some reason I didn't think it would be as hard as it has been when I told him I'd wait for him. I feel terrible about this because we love each other very much but I'm afraid that the distance is going to be too much for me. I'm just not happy with it being this way. I also met this really amazing older guy recently who isn't making this situation any easier because he is just so wonderful. I just need some advice on what I should do.Need some advice with my long distance relationship.?
    stay with the NAVY guy plzplzplz. stay away from the older guy.the navy guy likes u prolly more than u like him, stick with him. trust me. help;鈥?/a>Need some advice with my long distance relationship.?
    Well this is a hard one. Your actualy bf could be THE one...but long distance relationships are very hard and take more committment than we want to. The easy way out is breaking up with him and date this other great guy...although you don麓t know if this great guy still might be worth leaving your bf. It麓s all a risk, and I know how complicated it must be. I麓ve been there. But because this is about love, you must stay with the person you love right now, not the one who麓s making you have butterflies. Because love is deeper than butterflies in your stomach.

    But if you believe truthfully in your heart that it won麓t work (not that it麓s hard because any relationship is hard) then leave your bf because you might actually be doing something good for him too, to find someone else...

    As long as you decide something out of your good heart, things will work out for you...because if you were in the navy away loving and missing your bf and he麓d be here asking for advice on whether to saty with you or an amazing girl he met...well, just think about it.
    6 years is a long time to wait on someone. A lot can change. You 2 would probably change, certainly being in the navy would change him, and you're not in contact that much to change and grow together. You would also find u would start drifting apart as your life would go on, you would have so many experiences without him.

    I was in the same situation some years ago when my bf went away to study- also for 6 years. I met someone else after a few months and broke up with him. He was very hurt but I just could not wait for him that long.

    I can understand your stress right now. And imagine its only a month. As heartbreaking as it may be for the 2 of you it might be better to break up with him. All the best!
    if you truly love your boyfriend you would wait for him no matter what even if it seems hard. but if you dont think that the relationship is going to last w/your boyfriend anyways you shouldnt put yourself through the pain of waiting for him and then breaking up with him. go for the older guy if thats how you truly feel.
    I think the best thing for you to do is to listen to your heart, but to also sit down or have a talk with your bf in the Navy. You've told him that you would wait for him and its important for him to know how you are feeling. Its gana be hard to tell him and its gana be hard for him to hear, but if he really cares about you then he would let you do what makes you happy and not make you feel bad about it;-)

    i mean it better to tell your bf now how you feel then to go out with this other guy and feel guilty because you were supposed to be waiting for your bf in the Navy
    this is a difficult one because like you say you knew this would happen eventually, but I don't think we ever fully prepare ourselves for it. I would say that you musn't do anything with thisolder guy until you sort it out with your boyfriend, that would just be plain deceitful and hurtful. If your struggling now imagine enduring 6yrs of this? you need to think about wether you love him enough to be apart from him for long periods without straying. Good Luck!!

    Need some advice for a Long Distance Relationship.Please see?

    Okay well i really love this girl who is from Texas, US and i am from India (the country not the state Indiana). She is 15 and i turned 19 on 4th October. We love each other a lot and we are really really REALLY compatible. We are just so very happy with each other since we've met it's like everything is so perfect.

    The fact that i love her so very much also worries me that i might lose her some day. She is 15 and by the time she will turn 18 a lot of boys will hit on her there ( yes she is beautiful) and smart guys too. I trust her and i know she loves me a lot but i am just worried that later the fact that i live so far away could make things go wrong? I love her a lot and i cant afford to lose her.

    Should i be worrying? Or do you have any advice as to how to keep things really strong and unbreakable between us two so that no one might ever be able to come between us no matter if i live half way across the world? I'd love to hear your thoughts and suggestions.

    Thanks! 10 points waiting!!Need some advice for a Long Distance Relationship.Please see?
    well, the fact you are asking this really shows you care alot for her i know how it feels to be in love allz i can say is to tell her exactly how u feel pour your heart out to her and make sure its the real way you feel and age has nothing to do with it sure it will play a factor for some people but love comes in all different kinds, so to answer ur question you should definately consider meeting her at least once bcuz that could make all the difference but if its love she will wait on you for sure hope this helped. :]Need some advice for a Long Distance Relationship.Please see?
    It won't work. She is only a kid. Kids change bf often. Get own with your life and get your education and and an older lady.
    Well first of all, there's no magic number her in the states when guys start hitting on her.

    If she's as beautiful as you say, they're probably hitting on her right now.

    The only way long distance relationships have ever worked for me is if I knew I was eventually going to be with them, (eventually by a year or so).

    If you don't know when you can be with her, then honestly I don't know if a LDR is a good thing for you two, especially since you're both so young, but if there's a way you can get there and be with her, then just hang on.
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  • Any advice for a long distance relationship. help please.?

    well me and him were together for a long time when we was in both in new orleans. and then the storm hit and we both moved. well we took a break and now we are back together. and sometimes i just have a feeling that he is doing something. i mean i am as faithful as anyone can be. i mean i only talk to a few close guy friends. but nothing serious. and he cheated on me once and to get even i did it back. but i mean do i believe him and try to make things work or should i cut it off and wait until we both move back this summer. pleasr help me. i really need advice. i just dont know what to do anymore. i love him soo much. but i dont want to get played like a fool!!!!Any advice for a long distance relationship. help please.?
    It's very difficult to maintain a relationship over distance. Believe me, I've tried. Relationships need to be nurtured, and it's hard to do that through phone calls and email.

    You could try to keep it going and wait until summer (it's not very long away), but my suggestion would be to take another break, then see how you feel about each other when you get back together.Any advice for a long distance relationship. help please.?
    number one, he cheated before, doesnt mean he isnt thinking about if not already done it again. Number two you cheated back, whether it was just payback or not, obviously you didnt care too much (at that time maybe not and maybe now you do BUT) the fact remains, you dont trust him. Give it a little longer, and if you find more and more that you just CANNOT trust him, then move on.
    Just follow your heart that is all I can say.

    Here is how sit in a quiet room tink about him and ask yourself ?'s like is he going to be their for me? Is he the ONE? thins like that DONT let your mind anser them like you want them to be answerd let your heart do the talking for once if that makes senc.
    well you never know what might happen with his feelings if you cut if off till summer...maybe you should talk to him about it and then see how you feel when you move back this summer...if you both have to cheat on each other just to make it even..maybe thats not a true relationship
    If you love him it will be hard to let go. Just tell him. ';You know you have my heart. But if i'm not the only one who has your heart I think we should take a break for a while';. Cheating to get back him really isn't a good idea though. That dosen't make you any better.
    If you ';love'; him, why did you cheat to get even. There is no getting even you just demean yourself. My thoughts are that you two are done and just don't know it yet.
    You definitely have trust issues. What do you mean by I'm as faithful as anyone can be. You don't need to be in a relationship with him. Find someone who is close to you. Good Luck.
    here is a song for you
    Youre already being played. He cheated on you and you forgave him. Thats a free pass for him to do it again. THere are too many good men out there to waste time on a man you cant trust 100%
    As much as you may love him, you will always have trust issues, especially with the distance. You need to respect yourself and move on.
    You have an unhealthy relationship with this person. If it continues, then I'm afraid you are a fool and will be played like one.
    You both need to mature. Get on with your life--if it's meant to be--then, o.k.
    Playing games with one another's emotions, trying to get even, makes people look like a fool. He already CHEATED ON YOU so the truth is, if you really meant to him what he meant to you, than he wouldn't have cheated in the first place. Have more respect for yourself and be with someone who is going to love you enough not to have sex with someone else because of a storm. If you really want to be with him, take it slow and let things happen on their own. If you are forcing things, it will only make you frustrated and angry. Take a step back and let him come to you, don't be the one that looks desperate and chasing him all through New Orleans. Have some self dignity girl!
    Why don't you open up the relationship and stop this commitment stuff with cheating and crap. Seriously, a relationship is much better when you can see other people. All you have to worry about then is being safe. I mean, your situation really sounds like a very immature and unhealthy one.

    Anyhow, as I always said, ';I ain't committed to nobody until there's a ring on this finger.'; and neither should he be.

    I hate when a guy tries to act like I can only be with him, but then shies away from talk of real life commitment (MARRIAGE), but besides that, it takes years to truly get to know someone. I mean, I want to see how the person changes and stuff.

    These people out there with abandonment and trust issues (YOU) will never be happy in a relationship until you learn how to deal with it. I can't believe how some try to cut me off from all other males, completely. One, was even jealous of my cat.

    That's stupid and immature behavior that I will not feed into... ';GET EVEN';, you're a sick sick woman.

    Need advice regarding my long distance relationship?

    My boyfriend is in school five hours away. The first semester that he was there, he hadn't made any friends and we were talking every night. Now he has made all these new friends, and most of these friends are girls. and they are single. He is a friendly guy, definitely not a player. So please dont leave responses saying he is. Anyway, he is going out to bars, people's apartments, barbecues, etc and this is starting to stress me out. I feel like it will just be more convenient for him to meet someone up there. I dont know if i should break up or how i should cope with these. Any ideas? thanks!Need advice regarding my long distance relationship?
    well if you both agree then go for it. but i'm sure if he felt that he wanted to break up with he would've told u that.Need advice regarding my long distance relationship?
    well im in a long distance relationship and my girlfriend told me that she was scared that someone would end up taking me

    well i told her that i would never go out or do anything with my Friends i would stay home to talk to her

    but for your case if he is coming less and less tell him how u feel

    and that u r worried..if u do want to break up tell him why
    First off a long distant relationship will not work. There are exceptions. But, for most it will not work....That's the reality of it. Can't be changed.

    Now you two should have agreed that while he is away at school, you two are on your own. Not committed. You can always pick it up again when he is done with his studies. That will alleviate allot of stress on your part knowing that he is not doing anything behind your back. You are going to have to get over it. Because he is going to do all the normal things men do when they are away at school. He is no different

    than anyone else. And yes that would be more convenient for him to meet someone there. If he wants to.

    You too can meet someone else more convenient. Talk to him about it. he might just agree and you two can keep on being friends.
    Go visit him at school and meet these people. Either you will see theres nothing to worry about, or you will realize your relationship is drifting apart. At the very least, most girls who would've gone after him will stop once they meet you (its hard to go after a guy whose gf you've met in person, especially if she's sweet and nice).
    I'm a man, and I can only tell you how I would prefer it so that both of us would enjoy it.

    I never had a long distance relationship, but I think I would allow you to engage with closer (short-time) relationships with other men, to let you satisfy your physical needs. While some men would require you to report on such interactions, other would prefer total silence.

    It is possible to have a boyfriend, who uses those other females just to live out his physical needs.

    Need advice on a long distance relationship, complicated relationship?

    In my summer vacation I asked out a girl that i met. The day I asked her out we spend all night talking. After that she went back to her home town. My vacation days were limited and I saw her twice after that day when I asked her out. I live in US and she lives in Turkey. I love her so so much and she says she loves me to. We planed that I will go back there and stay there for the whole summer (around 3 months) and we will spend every minute together. I couldn't even kiss this girl yet. We had a fight and she said ';don't call me anymore, I don't want to talk to you anymore'; We had fights but we came over them but this was big because after that statement she made she never answered my calls or text for 3 weeks, except yesterday she send me a text saying ';you really hurt my feelings'; and stop talking again. I really love her.Should i keep calling her and try to get back her heart? The fight was so little, but she made it really big, so do you think she doesn't love me anymore?Need advice on a long distance relationship, complicated relationship?
    i am a girl and sometimes we have a tendency to over exaggerate fights. you just need to tell her that you didnt meant to hurt her in any way and just tell her your true feelings. if i were her i would be flattered to know that my boyfriend went on a website to try to find out how to stay together. on the other hand, this is a very special circumstance since you live extremely far away. if you truly do love each other than nothing can stop that..but if you just felt like flirting with someone on your vacation (which it doesnt seem like) and you only like her because she is pretty and she is from another country then it wont work out and you should probably stop leading her on. dont let a silly fight get in the way of your love though! i hope this helped!!Need advice on a long distance relationship, complicated relationship?
    When I was in a long distant relationship, we fought about everything and broke up a million times and I believe it was because of the distance. When you can't see that person for a long period of time. It makes you forget why you loved them in the first place. But after you reunite, you remember why, and then it seems worth it. But most times the relationships don't last that long.. I'm sorry to say..
    u didnt mentioned that what was that fight for. but if its not a big deal, I think u can wait 2 to 3 days without any contact (no calls, no text nothing) after sending a text as '; I am really sorry if i hurt u. I can wait for u to calm. I am waiting for u.';

    Just give her a time to think about it. if she really loves u, c will come back to u, suppose u didnt do any unforgivable .
    Just keep saying you are sorry and say nice stuff like you cant stand a minute without talking to her. eventually she'll come around, that is if she doesn't have anybody else, but if she doesn't she'll come around cuz women love it when we talk sweet to them.
    i think anything good does not come easy. you are going to get a verity of answers with a question like this. you have to go with your first choice. dont listen to anyone else,long distance relationships are diffuicult so dont think what you are going through is not normal.
    I'm in a LDR my self and i know when people get mad over little things it just that the distance is getting to them so they get mad at you over the littlest thing jut keep trying to make it work with her.specially if you love her
    She still loves you and just give her some time. We girls are sensitive, sometimes little fights are like a nuclear bomb to us, so give her some time and apologize to her. Good luck!
    Give up on the seriously isn't worth it.

    Advice on a long distance relationship?

    I go on quizilla all the time, and I created this quiz for whether or not I would date someone since everybody has one. No one ever responds to them, but then I get a message from this cute guy in the south. He and I are really good friends and he flirts a lot with me, and I know he likes me cause he admitted it, and I did the same. Should I start the relationship with him? I am also not really aloud to date so I keep this a secret, will that work? (PS: he's in Alabama while I'm in New Jersey)Advice on a long distance relationship?
    Sometimes long distance relationship wouldn't just work. Anyway, just keep in touch with all means.Advice on a long distance relationship?
    Really long distance relationships is really different from person to person, between someone it absolutely doesnt work and between others its the best thing that ever happened to them.

    One of my friends had a long distance relationship to this guy in spain while she was in norway, they kept their relationship for two years without seeing eachother and now they are gonna marry this summer.

    So i wish you guys good luck
    I don't think a long distance relationship is a good idea if you've never seen this person. He might not even be from Alabama for all you know. If this guy is lying to you, and you guys started a relationship, most likely you would want to meet in the future; that would be very dangerous. Try putting yourself out there for the people around your area more just for your own safety :) Good luck!
    good luck with it my best advice is hope for the best but expect the worst remember you guys are miles away and cant see eye to eye and there would be the issues of honesty and trust. I just got out of a long distance relationship where it hurt real bad because it was is to lie and love hide the lies my relationship was almost 2 years
    You're not really aloud to date, so stop right now. That really cute guy from the South is probably a 45 year old bald, fat , pervert who is HOPING you will keep it a secret. GET YOUR BUNS OFF THE internet and meet a REAL LIVE PERSON from your own town.

    Listen to the Angel.