Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Long distance relationship advice?

so i recently traveled to germany and pretty much fell in love with this guy who lives there. funny thing is we only actually met for a day (at a party) and then the next day he went on vacation to turkey and didnt get back til after i left. we talk and message each other all the time now but im not sure if his feelings are as strong as mine or if a long distance relationship could even work. I am usually totally against long distance relationships, but for this guy i want to try. I have two friends who dated each other, one living in germany, and one living here. one says to go for it, the other says it will never work. im afraid to let this guy know how intensly i feel in case he doesn't feel the same way, as my one friend tells me he won't feel that way. (while the other urges me to go for it) im very protective of my feelings, but at the same time i cant help but thinking i have to do SOMETHING. any suggestions or advice appreciated...Long distance relationship advice?
i hear you! my only advise is go with your gut..my husband and i had a long distance relationship thing going on.......15 years later and 3 children later im really happy i wrote those letters and bought those calling cards ... all worth it...stop listening to your friends ....a girl knows what she wants...you either listen to your friends or listen too yourself......make good choices.....and good luck ! let me know how it all works out!Long distance relationship advice?
Do what your heart tells you too, you will never know until you try. If you dont try, then you will always wonder.....what ';if';. What ';if's'; can be killers....follow your heart....and see what happens. What do you have to lose?
My advice to you would be to not bother with it anymore. Long distance relationships only work if you're so incredibly in love that you'll probably get married. And usually the person isn't so far away that a whole ocean separates them. With this guy, whom you met for a day (at a party) what was really special about him? I mean sure you're in a foreign and you meet this guy, you're obviously going to fall way more ';head over heels'; than you actually are. And why sit around on a Saturday dating night when you could be out, meeting new guys, who would live near you and you would be able to see more often. And as for the long distance thing, think about it - you could be dating someone here and he wouldn't know unless you told him - and he could do the exact thing. I get the whole meeting a new guy and thinking he's perfect thing, but don't waste days of your life being in this long distance relationship with a guy when you could be out meeting the love of your life. . . who actually lives within your easy driving area. And for my final note - if you really feel like you love this guy, (who you met for one day, not exactly great getting to know you time) then maybe you and him should arrange a visit between you two. Him to you, or you to him. For you both to figure out how you feel. Because you're holding on to this one day guy, and maybe you should take another few days to actually see him and what he's like in person.
Hi, I saw your question and it reminded me of my relationship. I have a long-distance relationship with my boyfriend, and we were together until I moved, we broke up, but later on we got back together, even though it's long-distance. Now we want to get married, and I'm moving in with him next year, after I graduate. So, yes, I think your long-distance relationship will work. If you just met him and already fell in love with him, then it seems like a really good relationship. Hope I helped, and if I didn;t, I'm sorry, I tried. =D ;D


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